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RAFNET workshop invites unpublished and original papers in multiple formats including posters, full-length paper, demo, tutorial, and surveys on very timely topics. The maximum full paper length for a Workshop paper is 5 pages; an author can purchase up to two additional pages for a maximum allowed length of 7 pages. The paper formatting guidelines are provided on IEEE VTC main conference website as well. Finally, the reviews will be conducted by our respective committee members.


For submissions, please follow the instructions and use the following link:

3rd RAFNET 2017

(VTC Fall, Toronto, Canada)


2nd RAFNET 2017

(VTC Spring, Sydney, Australia)


1st RAFNET 2016

(WMNC 16, Colmar, France)


RAFNET History

Technical Sponsors

Important Dates

Submissions Due:

19 January 2018



12 February 2018


Camera Ready Submission:

28 February 2018


Authors Registration:

28 February 2018

RAFNET Workshop

© 2016-2018 by RAFNET.

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